This new game may actually be a pleasant surprise. The development team has made several statements that they are moving away from being a GTA clone. The focus is now shifting to a mixture of strategy and action. They will be including total war screens as the “Don’s View” option. You can then use this screen to carry out individual missions to harm rival families and earn rewards for your own. It sounds like a really interesting...
While not as huge as the overwhelming favorite in the MMO world (WoW of course), The Lord of the Rings online has a pretty huge following and is know for nailing the atmosphere of the world of Tolkien’s imagining from the books. Apparently, this expansion is no exception. Your journey through the mines will take place after the fellowship stirred up some fighting in there (which leaves me wondering how your going to exit the damn place…), and is...
There are some nice new screenshots and details released about this remake. If you didn’t new, it is a re-envisioned gamed based on Sid Meier’s original Colonization. It follows many visual aspects of the Civilization series, but it will be a stand-alone title. The gameplay is effectively a really cool and well thought out expansion pack. You play as one of the main nations colonizing the New World. You’ll found your colony and do...
Overlord and Overlord:Raising Hell were some of the most innovative games released last year. If you ever wondered what a dark, fantasy version of Pikmin would be like, just look at Overlord. I was personally a little worried. The project for the sequel seemed to have dropped off the face of the Earth until a peek at the features was just released. I have to say it looks really good. They really seem to be improving the minion play. The team is already...
There’s Nothing to fear itself, or maybe it’s prequel. edge-online has a full preview of the game at the source below: Edge-Online Project Origin Preview Read More →
Great news for PC gamers. Rockstar has officially announced that Grand Theft Auto IV will make the jump to PC. The expected release date is November 18 for anyone in the United States and November 21 for Europe. The game will primarily stay the same, expect for some new expansions to multiplayer that haven’t been revealed yet. Read More →
This was somewhat overlooked in the flurry of E3. This sequel to the amazing RTS game last year is radically changing the formula for the game. The focus is shifted toward a tactical environment with little to no base building. You will instead controlling a group of units while following a free-form campaign. The whole process basically follows like a series of quests that let you level up your squad, but failure is an option in all of them. It’s...
This is a relatively interesting new title from Id. Their new title is sort of like Fallout meets Mad Max. Your character is an elite soldier sent forth by the remaining government of the world. An asteroid wiped out most of the world, but a whole lot of mutants and hostile survivors made it through the nuclear winter. You have to fight for order. This doesn’t exactly break the mold for stories, but it looks like it should be a solid shooter...
This looks like a fairly interesting release from Id. On the surface, it’s just another World War II shooter. There’s the standard weapons and a bunch of tactical choices that are poor knock offs of Call of Duty. The cool aspect is the use of the “veil.” The story follows some Nazi scientists trying to break the veil and gain infinite power through an alternative dimension. This matters to you, because you can already briefly...
This game is the latest planned release from Gas Powered Games. These are the geniuses who made the original “Dungeon Siege” and the more recent “Supreme Commander.” This game will match the best features of both games to create a unique RTS. The game follows your demigod’s fight to become the true god. This is done through a series of battles with other demigods. As the fight goes on, you’ll become more and more...