I’ve always been a fan of Gametrailer’s retrospective series. Their Final Fantasy and Metroid Retrospectives were well made and pretty interesting. Their latest topic in the Retrospective series is Star Wars. It’s a gaming franchise that never seems to end, nor shows any end in sight. Check the video out below and stay tuned for future parts in their look back on the past, present, and future of the Star Wars gaming franchise. Read More →
Pretty big month we have here in terms of game releases. I’ve got here Reviews from GT.com for Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Army of 2, and Dragon Quest Swords. Super Smash Bros Brawl Design: 9.8, Gameplay: 9.5, Presentation: 9, Overall: 9.4 Army of Two Story: 8, Design: 7, Gameplay: 7.5, Presentation: 7.3, Overall: 7.3 Dragon Quest Swords Story: 7.2, Design: 7.3, Gameplay: 7, Presentation: 8, Overal: 7.2 Read More →
In classic GTA fashion, this is strictly tongue in cheek, but it gives us more of a glimpse of the GTA4 universe and what we can expect. Read More →
bunch of new info out on this quirky game, coming from this month’s issue of Nintendo Power Magazine, which one of the members of NeoGaf forums have summed up as follows: · Control Neku on bottom screen with stylus – tap, slash, circle. · Control partner on upper screen with control pad or buttons (lefty-friendly) – up/down to evade, left/right to attack. · Card games on the top screen (i.e. Concentration and War) played by selecting the...
This is a neat little article I found going over 28 quirky titles that are coming out this year. All the games on the list look fairly unique and innovative in they’re own right. I give out Nods to N+ and Eternity’s Child 28 Strange Games for 2008 Think originality in gaming is dead? Think again… Read More →
A new promotional poster of Final Fantasy Braw… err, Dissida, has found it’s way to the internet, supposedly drawn by Yoshitaka Amano. All of the main villains from FFs 1-10 are present, if a little hard to find. But you can definitely see: Garland, Emperor Palamecia, Cloud of Darkness, Golbez, Exdeath, Kefka, Sephiroth, Ultimacia, Kuja, and Jecht. As cool as that is, I’m really hoping for some of the side characters to make an appearance....
gaming247 was told today that there are “no plans” for the MGS4 Bundle or the God of War bundle, by a SCEE spokesperson Source Article Read More →
Recently it was announced in an interview that Square’s built-in-house engine, the “White Engine”, took on a different name and will even have support for the Wii. But what does that mean exactly? Well, If you savor any trickle of news from Square the way I do, then you’ll appreciate these pics of the engine. Crystal Tools LogoEnemy DevelopmentLightning from FF13Prince from FFvs13Cut-Scene Development Read More →
Tomonobu Itagaki, the brain child of the upcoming Ninja Gaiden 2 isnt afraid of the UK’s restrictions to video game violence. After shunning Manhunt 2, the reception of Ninja Gaiden 2 is open for debate, what with it’s on the fly decapitations. Itagaki stands firm in his game though in an interview with telegraph.co.uk. Full Itagaki Interview Read More →
I have here an interview from 1up with Taku Murata, who is a general manager of research and development for Square Enix. He’s been seen recently at GDC talking about Square’s game engine “Crystal Tools”, and the evolution of the way Square develops games. Later he sat down with 1up for an interview. They talk about some of the specifics of Crystal Tools, and Square’s licensing deals. Full 1up Interview Read More →