Any lingering questions you might have regarding Resistance 2 are in this interview with Ted Price, president of Insomniac. They touch on competition with Halo and Killzone, as well as clarifying some of the facts about the game. “Multiplayer: Can the 60 characters all be on the TV screen at the same time? Or do you have to wall it off and make sure they don’t all show up on the screen. Price: We always test that. In fact, with “Resistance 1″ we...
This is a neat little article I found going over 28 quirky titles that are coming out this year. All the games on the list look fairly unique and innovative in they’re own right. I give out Nods to N+ and Eternity’s Child 28 Strange Games for 2008 Think originality in gaming is dead? Think again… Read More →
Yup, the 3 maps, dubbed “Broadcast”, “Dusk”, and “Hill” have been shown, but there is no release dates. hopefully the screenshots will make up for it.“Broadcast” Above is Broadcast, which is inside of a TV station. You can look forward to some frenzied close quarters fighting in here.“Dusk” This may actually be the outskirts of Broadcast. Supposedly another “traditional COD4” map, which...
The Tales of series is very long running is a pretty good option in a FF/DQ ruled genre. One of the best entries in the series came out a while back on the Gamecube, and is getting a sequel on the Wii, called Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. This much is old news, but im willing to bet plenty of people didn’t know that (I know, an RPG for the Wii excites me too!). A bunch of new screens have been shown for the game, which can be seen by clicking...
A new promotional poster of Final Fantasy Braw… err, Dissida, has found it’s way to the internet, supposedly drawn by Yoshitaka Amano. All of the main villains from FFs 1-10 are present, if a little hard to find. But you can definitely see: Garland, Emperor Palamecia, Cloud of Darkness, Golbez, Exdeath, Kefka, Sephiroth, Ultimacia, Kuja, and Jecht. As cool as that is, I’m really hoping for some of the side characters to make an appearance....
Lots of new details are trickling out about the newest installment in the Mario Kart series. For starters, it seems that some kind of trick can be pulled off by flicking the Wiimote (a backflip or 360 for example), and this will give you a little speed burst. Also, the game will get its own channel on your Wii (cleverly named “Mario Kart Channel”), this will keep track of all your records such as best times and allow for ghost imaging, among a whole...
We’ll, it looks like Nintendo is moving in the right direction and then they kill it. It was earlier announced that MK Wii would support voice chat, then a few days ago, it was bumped down to text chat. Now, it’s devolved all the way down to pre-determined phrases that you can send each other, and not even in game, but in the lobby beforehand. Heres to disappointment. IGN Source Article Read More →
Capcom producer, Yoshinori Ono spoke at GDC and in his speech hinted at the possibility of the game coming out for the Wii “Street Fighter IV, as it stands now, would be well-suited for the higher-level platforms. But the game doesn’t have to have these visuals in order to be fun. We could go, potentially, to the Wii. We could make it on Game Boy, for all we know right now. As long as the rules are the same, that can be independent of the visuals....
this trailer just shows a tree having the branches shot off, but damn is it beautiful.I know not too much has been seen of this equal so here you go. Read More →
gaming247 was told today that there are “no plans” for the MGS4 Bundle or the God of War bundle, by a SCEE spokesperson Source Article Read More →