With House of the Dead 2 and 3 coming out as WiiWare, alot of old school arcade game fans are getting excited. But it doesn’t have to end there. According to Sega, if these games sell well, they would be into releasing the 4th title for the Wii also. Now get out there and make it happen! Source Article Read More →
God I hope kotaku isnt pulling my leg with this one. According to them, there was a “retailers conference” for everything Sony, and in this meeting it it was said that Metal Gear Solid 4 will be released June 12, 2008. Not only that, but apparently theres to be a bundle pack which will include an 80 gig PS3, MGS4, and a Dualshock 3 controller. Wow! With the PS3 being the only currently used console I dont have that, I would definitely pick that...
This is the biggest game to come out on the PSP for a while. So does it deserve that hype? Apparently the dudes over at PSPfanby think so, giving it a hefty 9/10. Check out the Full Reviw Read More →
Theres been an influx of english videos coming out for the soon to be released FF7 prequel. 1up gives the skinny on the time they’ve spent with the english version of the game (lucky bastards). We played a bit of Crisis Core back when the game launched in Japan. From the time we spent with the moon-language version of the game, we could tell the long-awaited prequel to legendary RPG Final Fantasy VII features elaborate storytelling, a simple action-based...
Haze, the PS3 FPS from Ubisoft and Radical Design, has finally gotten a firm release date. And Its not too far off. Ubisoft announced this in an early morning announcement today, and released a new video with the release date, which can be seen below. Get ready to sample the sweet taste of nectar in May. Read More →
I think more and more people are getting giddy about this little DS game, if only thats just because Bioware is developing it. Not much is actually known about it. Well, Ngamer from computerandvideogames has got the scoop on the game. The game is to be turn based, but will have a Mario RPG style of attack augmentation system. The game will also extensively use the stylus. It will be used for sprinboards, Loop-de-loops and other sonic staples, as well as for...
Plenty people have heard of this lofty Wii-ware title, but have any of you actually seen it in action? Not untill now. A member from the Neogaf forums was in attendance at GDC and was at the Wii-ware demonstration. He managed to get a camera out and capture 2 minutes of gameplay. What is shown is a walkthrough through a “castle city”. We can see some dialog between the player and some NPCs which shows some comprehensive dialog options. Also an “Adventurer’s...
Phil Harrison, The President of Sony Computer Entertainment has announced his resignation of the company after 15 years, leaving Kaz Hirai as the new president. It looks as if somehow he will still have some kind of ties to Sony though“The past 15 years at Sony Computer Entertainment has been the defining journey of my life so far,” said Harrison. “I am grateful to all the PlayStation family for their incredible support, guidance and friendship....
Then I have good news. Activision is now offering a refund of your money in addition to the disc replacement program they already have set up for all the GH3 for Wii discs that only provide Mono sound. And its only 4 monthes late! But hey, not too many companies do this sort of thing at all. Source Article Activision Refund Link Read More →
Recently it was announced in an interview that Square’s built-in-house engine, the “White Engine”, took on a different name and will even have support for the Wii. But what does that mean exactly? Well, If you savor any trickle of news from Square the way I do, then you’ll appreciate these pics of the engine. Crystal Tools LogoEnemy DevelopmentLightning from FF13Prince from FFvs13Cut-Scene Development Read More →