3D Realms have announced that they working on a patch for the PC version of Prey while Venom is working on a patch for the Xbox 360 version. The PC patch is set to fix several bugs as well as add some new features. The Xbox 360 patch will focus on fixing the network lag issues and a few bug problems. There is no official release date for these patches yet but we will let you know as soon as there is. 3D Realms also stated they will be releasing some extra...
For all car racing and Ford fans, you should be happy to hear that Edios, the manufacturer of the game Ford Bold Moves Street Racing, which was earlier launched overseas in Europe, will be coming stateside very soon. The game allows players to race friends or the computer in one of many Ford cars. The game features 18 different cars and will be coming to the XBOX, PS2, and PC. Developers are also working on a PSP version of the game. Here is the full list of...
There is a rumor flying around right now that Sony may drop the price of the PSP to $149 this holiday season. This would be a $50 drop from $199. You may remember that this March, Sony decided to drop the price of the PSP from $249 to $199 to help increase sales. This latest price drop is not official as nothing is being announced by Sony yet. However, this price drop seems logical as it would help generate sales during the holiday season and help Sony be...
Harvest Moon is by far the most popular game that gaming company Marvelous has ever created. Their newest game, the tenth installment in the franchise, is already in stores in Japan. The Playstation Portable version of the game anyway and the Nintendo DS version of the game will be on sale in Japan on August 24th. However, the game is getting so much attention because a company official announced today that the game would in fact be coming to the Wii. No dates...
Ronaldhino, the world’s most popular and most marketable soccer player, has just agreed to be on the cover of FIFA 07 cover. Ronaldhino plays for FC Barcelona and for the Brazilian team during the World Cup. He is considered by many to be the best active soccer player in the world. Ronaldhino was also on the cover of the game last year and is a two time FIFA player of the year. The cover will feature two players this year, depending on where the game...
Ain’t It Cool News got a chance to interview Neill Blomkamp, the recently announced director of the upcoming Halo feature film. You can read the full interview here but this is one part that I found interesting: “Quint: How faithful do you plan on staying to the design of Master Chief’s armor? Neill Blomkamp: Master Chief is certainly something that I do not want to change too much at all, there are certain things inside the Halo universe...
Ritual Entertainment announced today that they have dropped the price of SiN Episodes to $14.95 through Steam. For those of you that don’t know, Steam is a free software download available from Valve. With Steam you can then purchase the first episode of SiN and download it instantly on to your computer. As of this writing retailers are still charging $19.99 however it’s likely that we will see the price drop make its way to retailers sometime...
Six new Battlefield 2142 screenshots have surfaced today. Check them out below: Read More →
Microsoft has made an official statement naming the new director of the upcoming Halo feature film: “Neill Blomkamp, a short film and commercial director making his feature film debut with the movie. A native of South Africa, Blomkamp directed the acclaimed 2005 short film, Alive in Joburg, that depicted a future in which extraterrestrials have become refugees. Last year, Blomkamp also received three Clio Awards and a Visual Effects Society Award for...
The next-gen remake of Alone in the Dark developed by Atari was slated for a April 2007 to possibly March 2008 release however in lite of Atari’s fiscal 2007 first quater results, which were not good, the game is being put on hold and slated for a possible release in fiscal 2008. Read More →